Post by Charliecod on Feb 12, 2015 23:23:16 GMT
It’s getting fairly predictable, but nevertheless a great achievement, Joe Blackmore won at the Gorrick last week end, …. well done, a deserved result. Tituoan can hold his head high with a 6th and Stan earned ‘respect’ (such modern language) by continuing despite some patching by the the first aiders after some kind of mishap with tuft of grass or something similar in the first lap of his race.
Saturday Ride 14th February - A straightforward road ride.
To get some more miles under your various belts I’ll be leading a Road ride on Saturday, following the standard Dulwich Paragon Saturday route. It will be cold so consider your clothing seriously. Those without a serviceable road bike will be able to use one of the HHYCC bikes, however if you are consider using one of these, please turn up promptly so there is time to fit you up properly.
The ride will be on road so the normal rules apply:
DP/HHYCC & BC membership required Helmets must be worn Wear suitable clothing for the season- prepare for cold Bring copious quantities of drink and some food Spare inner tubes that fit Emergency and money Telephone number of parent or rescuer on a piece paper If this is your first ride a signed parental consent form.
Parents/Guardians/Rescuers-You’re welcome to join us however if you can’t/don’t want to join in please ensure you are contactable and able to collect your charge should the need arise.
I look forward to seeing as many of your as possible on Saturday